A trans-european initiative to fill the gap in the area of specialised services for the textile sector, establishing 4 textile innovation centres in Jordan and Morocco
The main aim of Fostex initiative is to bridge the gap of university-enterprise collaboration in the area of specialised services for the textile sector by establishing in the partner countries three new fully operational advanced textile innovation centres, upgrading one already existing textile centre and training the operating staff by European experts.
The advanced textile centres will enable access to business development services, such as quality testing, product certification, training, technology trends, production organisation, B2B and funding opportunities for the textile industry of the two countries.
The main goal is to enable the Jordanian and Moroccan textile industry to develop added value products and, therefore, increase their competitiveness in the global market.
The partnership comprises 13 institutions from 6 countries representing different parts of europe and the mediterranean area
The consortium is characterised by a mixture of institutions with different profiles, capacities and complementary competences: higher education institutions, companies and non-profit institutions, research and training centres and business associations.
- (ES) UPC – Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya- Coordinator
- (ES) AEI TÈXTILS – The Catalan technical textiles’ cluster
- (GR) CRE.THI.DEV – Creative Thinking Development
- (GR) UNIWA – University of West Attica
- (IT) CIAPE – Centro italiano per l’Apprendimento Permanente
- (IT) Materially Srl Impresa sociale
- (RO) INTDCP – The National Research & Development Institute for Textiles and Leather
- (HKJ) JUST – Jordan University of Science and Technology
- (HKJ) BAU – Al-Balqa Applied University
- (MA) ESITH – Center for Advanced Textiles
- (HKJ) ACI – Amman Chamber of Industry
- (MA) UH2C – University Hassan II
- (MA) AMITH – Association marocaine des industries du textile et de l’habillement
For more information, please click below to visit the official website: