HACKTEX project BOOTCAMP at SWEDEN (Boras University) 13-17/11/2023

Representatives of DIKNIGA Laboratory and a team of students of Industrial Design and Production Engineering Department of UNIWA, participated to the training activity took place during 13-17/11/2023 at Sweden in the frame of HACKTEX project. The activity was organized by University of Borås, which has already had experience in project-based learning and Textile Science and are well established in the field of smart textiles.

The training methodology consisted of a blended methodology, mixing different learning tools. Evaluation activities were included.

Except of University of West Attica, also participated students from TUIASI, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,  and the University of Boras.

#Teamwork #Romania #Sweden #Greece #Spain #EuropeanUnion #EU #Training #Learning #textile #engineers #smarttextiles #MOOC #Bootcamp #Hacktexproject #Europe #Erasmusplus #textileindustry #professionals #students INTEXTER UPC Gheorghe Asachi​ Technical University of Iași  The Swedish School of Textiles – University of Borås University of West Attica

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