Events organized by partners

HACKTEX project consortium meeting in Terrassa for its 4th TPM /19-6-23


HACKTEX project consortium meeting in Terrassa for its 4th TPM /19-6-23 On 19-06-2023, representatives of UNIWA participated to the HACKTEX consortium met in Terrassa for its 4th Transnational Project Meeting. It was organised and hosted by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. In line with the partners’ commitment, the meeting debates resulted to be efficient, fruitful and resolutive. The meeting began with the project coordinator, TUIASI, giving an overview of the current state of the project as well as some management and financial guidelines to all present partners. Then, Cre.Thi.Dev., the quality leader, provided information relative to the internal project [...]

HACKTEX project consortium meeting in Terrassa for its 4th TPM /19-6-232023-06-22T21:44:28+00:00



CIRCUTEX PROJECT LEARNING ACTIVITY “SEPIE” 02.05.2023-04.05.2023-UPV, Spain Members of DIKNIGA lab participated to the training activity of the CircuTex project, which focused on applying virtual reality to laboratory practices, and it has been successfully completed during 02.05.2023-04-05.2023 at Alcoy, Spain. The training primarily focused on familiarizing participants with virtual reality equipment and exploring the potential of virtual reality in conducting virtual experiments within a laboratory setting. #CircuTex #ErasmusPlus #SEPIE

CIRCUTEX PROJECT LEARNING ACTIVITY “SEPIE” 02.05.2023-04.05.2023-UPV, Spain2023-05-25T20:38:52+00:00

Participation Of UNIWA representatives to the Meeting of REWAFT Project At UPV on 5/5/2023


Participation Of UNIWA representatives to the Meeting of REWAFT Project At UPV on 5/5/2023 On 5 May 2023 #REWAFT Project partners participated at a meeting in Alcoy, Spain, organized and hosted by Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Partners from #KTU, #UNIWA, #UPV, #IDEC, #WFN and #LATIA attended the meeting to share ideas and insights. The achieved results and next steps in creating an online Tool for measuring of water footprint in the textile sector, as well as training courses for students and industry workers, were discussed during the meeting. #textile #training #waterfootprint #REWAFT #Textile #WaterFootprint #sustainability #Erasmus #RewaftProject #Learning

Participation Of UNIWA representatives to the Meeting of REWAFT Project At UPV on 5/5/20232023-05-11T20:17:58+00:00



ΠΡΟΣΚΛΗΣΗ ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΩΝ ΓΙΑ ΘΕΣΕΙΣ ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗΣ ΑΣΚΗΣΗΣ -ΙΝΕ ΓΣΕΕ Το ΙΝΕ ΓΣΕΕ στα πλαίσια του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος «Ανάπτυξη Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού, Εκπαίδευση και Δια Βίου Μάθηση» έχει αναλάβει ως δικαιούχος την υλοποίηση της Πράξης : «Συμβουλευτική Υποστήριξη, Κατάρτιση και Πιστοποίηση στον κλάδο της Δημιουργικής Βιομηχανίας ως σύγχρονος πυλώνας του πολιτισμού για άνεργες γυναίκες» Αντικείμενο της Πράξης είναι η υλοποίηση δράσεων επαγγελματικής συμβουλευτικής, κατάρτισης, πιστοποίησης και πρακτικής άσκησης σε 2.000 άνεργες γυναίκες ηλικίας έως 49 ετών (εγγεγραμμένες στα μητρώα ανεργίας της ΔΥΠΑ, τ. ΟΑΕΔ). Η υλοποίηση της Πράξης θα καλύψει το σύνολο των Περιφερειών της χώρας. Στο πλαίσιο της υλοποίησης της [...]




WINTEX project NEWSLETTER No 6 WINTEX released its 6th newsletter with the aim to present the project and its progress. It also presents latest news on developed and ongoing activities as well as some information about the current status of the project. Check it out at the project webpage! Full Newsletter on the Project webpage

WINTEX project NEWSLETTER No 62023-03-26T20:11:35+00:00

#Hacktex project 3rd Transnational Project Meeting at Rome, Italy on 8-9/2/2023


#Hacktex project 3rd Transnational Project Meeting at Rome, Italy on 8-9/2/2023 On 8-9 February 2023, Hacktex consortium met in Rome for the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting. The event was organised in two journeys and CIAPE hosted it. It was a fruitful meeting, full of decisive and constructive debates. The first day, February 8th, began with the project coordinator, TUIASI, giving to all partners the pertinent instructions for the project management and administrtive aspects implementation. Then, AEI Tèxtils, the partner in charge of the project’s communication, provided to all the partnership with the most relevant information regarding of this topic: [...]

#Hacktex project 3rd Transnational Project Meeting at Rome, Italy on 8-9/2/20232023-03-16T11:17:45+00:00

4D Culture project 5th consortium Meeting at Dresden, Germany


4D Culture project 5th consortium Meeting at Dresden, Germany The consortium of the 4D Culture project gathered on 9 March 2023 in beautiful Dresden for the 5th  Partnership Meeting, hosted by Technische Universität Dresden. Productive discussions were held on the progress of the 4D Culture project, its virtual platform, MOOCs, VR application via motion capturing, and the preparation of the Summer School in Greece in June 2023. It was a very productive discussion, and serious decisions were made on the progress of the work! Stay tuned for more updates. #4DCultureproject #digitalheritage [...]

4D Culture project 5th consortium Meeting at Dresden, Germany2023-03-10T22:30:10+00:00



T-CREPE 4th WORKSHOP ON 15-16/3/2023 You are cordially invited to the 4th Training Workshop of T-Crepe on the subject of “Co-creating the future in education & textile industry” that will be held on 15-16 March 2023 in a hybrid format, online and in Lille, France. For free registration, please use the QR code on the poster or click on the link below. We are looking forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact us. For further information regarding the T-Crepe project please visit our websites: #onlinelearning #constructionism #constructionistlearning #cocreation [...]

FORTHCOMING EVENT! T-CREPE 4th WORKSHOP ON 15-16/3/20232023-03-13T13:50:02+00:00

WINTEX Project -Final conference and meeting at SFAX 24-25/1/2023


WINTEX Project -Final conference and meeting at SFAX 24-25/1/2023 Representatives of DIKNIGA laboratory (academic staff) participated to the two very intensive days for WINTEX consortium. On January 24th the Wintex Final Conference took place in the city of Sfax. The event was hosted by the Digital Research Center of Sfax, CRNS. It was a great opportunity to present the main points of the project to a wide range of stakeholders attending the conference (many institutions, companies and students). The event focused on: - the 3 new-born #Textile #Innovation Centres, - the virtual collaboration platform and - a #roadmap for an Academia Textile Industry Council. On [...]

WINTEX Project -Final conference and meeting at SFAX 24-25/1/20232023-02-05T17:45:27+00:00

REWAFT Project 1st Meeting on 23/01/2023


REWAFT Project 1st Meeting on 23/01/2023 REWAFT is a collaborative project between 6 partners from 4 European countries. On 23.01.2023, representatives of UNIWA participated to the 1st coordination meeting of REWAFT (Reducing water footprint in textile -Helping the textile industry reduce its water footprint)  Erasmus+ Project, which took place at Kaunas (Lithuania). All involved to the project partners met in order for the collaboration to be efficient by discussing the plan of activities for the next months. REWAFT is a collaborative project between 6 partners from 4 European countries. On 23.01.2023, representatives of UNIWA participated to the 1st coordination [...]

REWAFT Project 1st Meeting on 23/01/20232023-02-09T22:26:15+00:00
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